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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Nathan Ni
Cui Jing
Luke HE
Jerry SONG
lawrence wang
Daisy_Lujing Wang
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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by nancy70800 Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:06 pm

I do agree that handwriting is very important to develop our brain. In junior school, writing a letter repeatedly help us remember it which is more efficient than typing. After graduate, we may get anxious under the pressure, calligraphy help us to calm down, to find inner peace of ourselves. But that doesn't means typing is useless to develop our brain, we use both hands to type that means we are practicing left and right brain at the same time, which the handwriting cannot compare.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by dianexiadi Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:59 pm

As Ali taught us in the class, the brain has its own different function for different task. It's better for us to master more things. If we give up the skills like handwriting, then we will miss one part of function in our brain. It will not help us do solve the complex problems in the future. It's better to master more things we can and better to train our brain as strongly as we can.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by Luke HE Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:10 pm

I definitely agree that handwriting is quite important for children training their brains nowadays. Also, there are some evidences that a variety of sensory stimulation is more conducive to people's memory and learning, especially for children. Furthermore, some of the functions of people are being degraded, while enjoying the modern life. Hope in the future, human beings still have the smart hands. So, let's start with the habit of keeping our handwriting.

Luke HE

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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by Cui Jing Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:13 pm

when you write something down, you directly connect the letters written and your brain, just like riding a bicycle. This is the most natural means of using written language.

Cui Jing

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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:28 pm

Handwriting is a type of art, not only draw the characters but also Calligraphy.

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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by HM-Mary SONG Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:34 pm

My answer is yes, children in a keyboard world need to learn handwriting. I dont think handwriting will become old-fashioned.Similarly like there has been rumor for a long time saying that, since we are in computer age, the paper will definetely disappear. Personally speaking I don't agree with them. From my point of view, one of the reasons why human being need to write is writing is a solid skill that human being has, and only human being has. Have you ever seen a dog writing? It reflects complicated brain activities, starting from thinking, you then look for the right words in your memories for the meaning, after that your brain makes the order to use your hand to write your ideas out.Researches has shown that this process can help you to better learn and remember things. If you are trying to recite something difficult to remember, try to write them down at the same time, you dont even need to write them very nicely, it will help you to remember and the memory will last longer. Secondly, handwriting has been used maybe at the same time as human being appeared. Of course, at ancient time, the letters were quite different and much simpler than today. Together with the development of human civilization, they look like what they are today. Maybe in the future, it will become even simpler, however I don't think it will disappear. It is nice to see nice handwriting of someone, writing should be considered as one kind of art indeed, which absolutely shouldn't be given up. By the way, if your digital devices are out of battery, you can still type on your keyboard but where can you see the input? I do believe, as human beings we have to have writing skill as we need to breathe.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by marie.tung Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:48 pm

At the current high technology world, commuication is more popular with keyword with keyboard. we still regard that handwriting is very important for us. because handwriting is write in brain, and to think about this word what's the mean . the word is take out your memory and description in your brain after have study in past. keyboard method is mechanical by hand gestures ,the brain development is simpler than handwriting .


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by rocky_xu Sun Sep 25, 2016 6:12 pm

I think firstly hand writing is a personal symbol, this function can't be replaced by typing.
And secondly the difficulty of hand writing is much higher than typing, which will help us to strengthen our brain.
At last, In some character like Chinese, if you don't write it by yourself, you can't remember it easily. Hand writing will help you to remember it.
So hand writing will never be replaced by typing.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by Carey_Chu Sun Sep 25, 2016 6:28 pm

I quite agree with these article's opinion. Handwriting needs thinking ability, it can help teenagers pay attention to the written language.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by ydgu Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:14 pm

I entirely agree with that handwriting is very essential in this technical era. And I really admire those who have good-looking handwriting. It shows your knowledge quality and good schooling. There is a Chinese says, see your handwriting equals to see your personality.
On the other hand, practicing handwriting could systematically practice thinking. After a while, you may find you become more patient for lots of things.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by superkellyzhou Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:19 pm

Handwriting is a way of visualise the characters in "the mind's eye", it helps to build a profound connection in the brain, to form the thinking and written skills. Although it's the "Keyboard Age" nowadays, handwriting is still fundamental to change brain function and development. Even as an adult, inevitably we are fall into "Ebbinghaus curve" and tend to forget things easily. But writing things down in one's own handwriting and his own way, helps stimulate the brain and make the experience more real and special. I found it being helpful personally to visualise the knowledge because it stands out from all the other printing materials.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by irisgogogo Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:25 pm

In Chinese saying, a handwriting do reflect a man's thinking,education, experience. A man with a good handwriting leaves people a good impression. For this reason, many people practicing handwriting even after graduation for further development. I think it is necessary for everyone to begin calligraphy education in early stage. It is as important as Chinese,Maths and so on.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by Nathan Ni Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:39 pm

Besides that so called a kind of brain training, the handwriting is far more than a skill, it's quite important for the cutural heritage too.
So my answer is "yes, of course it's essential, and children in every country / race should learn how to do it well.
And it's espacially essential to China because the Chinese handwriting is far more than a writing, it's one of the most famous art in the world too. This cutrual heritage belongs to the whole world.

Nathan Ni

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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by stakeachancez Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:10 am

This is why I don't keep a digital calendar. I have a calendar on the wall next to my desk, in which I write down appointments and events—because I remember them better. But it is perhaps due to habit that I still prefer this method; were I to train myself long enough in keeping a digital calendar, perhaps it would be just as effective. As a stock trader, I have trained myself to recall small details in manuscripts online, though perhaps it's because I still generally print them out and mark by hand first, as a quick overall rough draft, and then dig into the details on my computer. I think handwriting is important. Because I use it myself so rarely now, I find my own writing has deteriorated badly. Maybe it's age as well.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by laurapeiqian Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:00 am

I believe in the fact that the way we write will influence the way we think. From this point of view, handwriting encourages one type of thinking while keyboard typing encourages another. However, I remember that professor Ali has said that our brain may fool us when we skip some steps and just use the emotional level of thinking without critical reasoning. Handwriting may slows down our speed of thinking and give us a chance to think carefully to make sensible decisions.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by tyrekying Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:14 am

The comments on this article are very interesting! I believe that children do need to learn cursive today, and that keyboarding should not replace this. For me, when I listen to a lecture, I need to write notes (in cursive) in order to process the information. So I know that writing in cursive helps me to think. This article just confirmed for me that handwriting is connected to cognitive abilities.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by lizzy_luyan Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:45 am

The computers will correct your words when you make mistakes, but pens or papers can't, thus sometimes the computers "help" you to become lazy, and to stop you using your brains. When you write with your hands and pens, your brain is awake, and memorize what you're writing. And also, sit down and write something makes you calm down and enjoy that moment.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by ViviZha Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:20 am

I do agree that handwriting is very important to develop our brain .By the way, it is still a good way to  shape our character and keep our inner peace. I have a friend who spends 1 hour everyday to practicing Chinese calligraphy , this is a hobby for him and he  enjoy it for more than 10 years.He has a gentle nature and  have perseverance in dong everything . I think it also benefited from his practice writing every day.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by 狂奔的蜗牛 Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:51 am

Writing has a very long history. It began as simple pictographs drawn on a rock, which were then combined to represent ideas and developed into more abstract symbols. Just like our writing today, early symbols were used to store information and communicate it to others.
Research has shown that improved handwriting skills has benefits for cognitive development and motor skills and can lead to improved writing skills and reading comprehension.
Jotting down a shopping list, writing a birthday card, taking down a phone message, completing a form at the bank ….handwriting is part of our daily lives. It is on show to others and may be used to make judgments about us. Most employment situations will involve at least some handwriting and any require the communication of critical information (e.g. medical notes, prescriptions). Thus, handwriting with pen and paper still has an important role from early childhood through our adult lives.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by GUO SHU001 Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:01 am

AS hand-writing forms a significant part of thinking on concentration , there's no doubt that hand-writing is still essential in the Keyboard Age
Besides the advantanges mentioned in the blog above, hand-writing is a perfect way to concentrate while writing, alothough the keyboard age brings in lots of benefits in the proofreading of words and microsoft word can even remind you about the grammer mistakes, you would be easily disturbed with the other functions of the computer.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by lindaxie Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:18 am

Looking back forward,i found that as grown up,the opportunities for us to do handwriting is getting less and less.We choose to use digital character in stead of handwriting in every aspect of life.We did not write letter but send out a message by phone.We did not write diary by update everyday in Blog.The deep emotion and the process we make it is disappearing day by day.However,what's more,the process of handwriting is also a process can strengthen our mind thinking and can help us to digest the things we just required.


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by lance_li Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:42 am

Actually,handwriting is still necessary and important nowadays not only in that we need it in our everyday life but also because handwriting can affect the impression we make on other people.
Our life cannot go without handwriting.In despite of the prevailing advantages of typing,under certain circumstances,because of its uniqueness,handwriting can never be replaced by "machine-writing".


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2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age - Page 2 Empty Re: 2016-Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

Post by huangsiyuan104 Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:20 pm

Let me tell my truth story. Till now, i have no Kindle or any other electronic books. My habit is write the things down on the paper, and then i type it onto computer.
Writing is connect to our way of thoughts. When we are writing, actually, we are thinking. But when we are typing, most of time, we can not think focus.
Blank paper make me calm and thinking deeply. But when i face the screen, all my thoughts gone. I think, nowadays, we still need this link in writing and thinking. No copy, cut, paste when we are thinking..


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